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Individuals, Families, and Caregivers

On behalf of your health plan, CareBridge provides individuals, families, and caregivers with 24/7 access to a team of specially trained experts who can address physical, behavioral, and social needs.

At the push of a button, you can connect with an experienced CareBridge clinician who can assist with your clinical need or emergency. Our clinicians are able to diagnose, treat, and prescribe as the situation demands. Our care teams can support you by helping monitor your health after a hospital discharge, assisting with medication refills, and connecting you to community organizations that can help with food security, housing, or other non-medical needs.

For more information about CareBridge’s products, please email us at:


Health Plans

CareBridge partners with health plans to deliver care to tens of thousands of high-risk individuals receiving Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS).

Our services seamlessly integrate with a health plan’s existing care management program and provider networks.

Our virtual care model and technology in the home provides 24/7 access to care for members and caregivers seeking support, regardless of where they live.  

CareBridge partners with health plans to identify and close HEDIS quality gaps and improve health outcomes.

For more information about CareBridge’s products, please email us at:

We Proudly Partner With


CareBridge is a proud partner of these national associations who seek to further a Medicare and Medicaid healthcare system that supports the needs of all recipients through innovation, compassion, and cost-effective service delivery.